Friday, October 14, 2011

Update from Noah's Arc

The course has been progressing much more this week and we have finally been learning useful teaching tools. We each have to prepare a 30-minute lesson plan for next week. Having no teaching experience at all, the endless ESL resources online take off a bit of the pressure.

I've been in Thailand for nearly 2 weeks now, and have yet to leave the Bangkok area which is starting to get to me. Of course, we've been very busy with the course everyday. This weekend we were supposed to get away but we are stuck as the floods are a-coming. They have yet to reach our hotel area but supposedly they are nearby and heading our way. I am not too concerned about it since we've stocked up on supplies, it's just more debilitating that it's holding us back.

Everyone is very unsure about where we will be placed in just about a week. Despite a Q & A session with the coordinator, a combination of his thick Turkish accent and extremely vague responses hasn't put anyone's concerns at rest. It doesn't seem like we have much of a say in where we go, and I am becoming more opposed to staying in Bangkok. Also, it sounds as if all of my peers will be spread out all over the country. It is sad that this lifestyle of having camaraderie in such close proximity must come to an end. It has definitely felt like an extension of college, which I know realistically cannot last forever. After a much enjoyed 3 months without a job, my bank account could really use some financial support.

Worst comes to worst this weekend, we might end up swimming to our nightly spot, a local bar called "Drink Drank Drunk."

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